I'm over here dancing wildly! Madly! Insanely!
Sorry that's a lot of "ly" words but it's okay -- I'm allowed.
In June I found out the Hidden One finaled in two great contests - On The Far Side, a contest hosted by the Futuristic, Fantasy and Paranormal Special Interest Chapter of RWA and The TARA, hosted by the Tampa Area Romance Writers. I'm giddy beyond belief!
So, yeah. This is a shout out to myself. GO ME!!
I'm over here dancing wildly! Madly! Insanely!
Sorry that's a lot of "ly" words but it's okay -- I'm allowed.
In June I found out the Hidden One finaled in two great contests - On The Far Side, a contest hosted by the Futuristic, Fantasy and Paranormal Special Interest Chapter of RWA and The TARA, hosted by the Tampa Area Romance Writers. I'm giddy beyond belief!
So, yeah. This is a shout out to myself. GO ME!!