I've been on this writer's journey "officially" for about three years now. I'm editing my very first novel. I'm a part of several fantastic Romance Writers of America Chapters and I have an abolutely fabulous Critique group at my back.
But even with a powerful arsenal like this, I still doubt myself. In some cases, I'm my own worse enemy. Sound familiar?
But on April 2, during my monthly Carolina Romance Writer's chapter meeting. I experienced the most humbling-jaw-dropping-kick-in-the-pants-you-go-girl moment ever. I'll keep it brief.
The fabulous Martin Biro, Assistant Editor at Kensington Publishing was our guest speaker, and he was taking pitches. I wasn't ready. With my book. With a pitch. Nada so I had zero intention of pitching my book. (It doesn't help that I'm a total spaz during my pitches.) So while everyone ELSE in my chapter was pitching, I participated in Elizabeth's Michel's presentation on Elevator Pitches. She totally rocked it by the way!
Long story short - Beth was a miracle worker and within 15 minutes I had a pitch that felt "right". At that point, two chaptermates urged me to go pitch to Martin. I was surrounded by "Why not?" and "What's the worst that could happen" statements. Jeni and Natilie would not tolerate my excuses. At. All. Then Jeni did something that changed the game. She wrote a little note on the back of her business card and said "Take this with you." She'd written four little words:
"I'm rooting for you!"
I stared at it for a minute before gushing with thanks. I'd only recently connected with Jeni the previous night at the dinner outing with Martin. This meeting was my first real interaction with Natalie as well. Yet within the span of an hour, they became my rock and hard place for kicking my tail and pushing me towards my goal. How incredibly freakin' awesome is THAT?
Okay, I promised to keep this short. So... I pitched. Martin was glad I pitched. He really wanted me to pitch. And...wait for it....wait for it....He liked my story and wants to see the first three chapters. BOOM!
It really does take a village -- of writers to keep you motivated. To keep you encouraged on this incredible journey of written words, characters who really talk to you and rejection. The best part about it...you don't have to be born in the village to get that support. You only have to show up. Show out. Keep writing.
But even with a powerful arsenal like this, I still doubt myself. In some cases, I'm my own worse enemy. Sound familiar?
But on April 2, during my monthly Carolina Romance Writer's chapter meeting. I experienced the most humbling-jaw-dropping-kick-in-the-pants-you-go-girl moment ever. I'll keep it brief.
The fabulous Martin Biro, Assistant Editor at Kensington Publishing was our guest speaker, and he was taking pitches. I wasn't ready. With my book. With a pitch. Nada so I had zero intention of pitching my book. (It doesn't help that I'm a total spaz during my pitches.) So while everyone ELSE in my chapter was pitching, I participated in Elizabeth's Michel's presentation on Elevator Pitches. She totally rocked it by the way!
Long story short - Beth was a miracle worker and within 15 minutes I had a pitch that felt "right". At that point, two chaptermates urged me to go pitch to Martin. I was surrounded by "Why not?" and "What's the worst that could happen" statements. Jeni and Natilie would not tolerate my excuses. At. All. Then Jeni did something that changed the game. She wrote a little note on the back of her business card and said "Take this with you." She'd written four little words:
"I'm rooting for you!"
I stared at it for a minute before gushing with thanks. I'd only recently connected with Jeni the previous night at the dinner outing with Martin. This meeting was my first real interaction with Natalie as well. Yet within the span of an hour, they became my rock and hard place for kicking my tail and pushing me towards my goal. How incredibly freakin' awesome is THAT?
Okay, I promised to keep this short. So... I pitched. Martin was glad I pitched. He really wanted me to pitch. And...wait for it....wait for it....He liked my story and wants to see the first three chapters. BOOM!
It really does take a village -- of writers to keep you motivated. To keep you encouraged on this incredible journey of written words, characters who really talk to you and rejection. The best part about it...you don't have to be born in the village to get that support. You only have to show up. Show out. Keep writing.